... a collaborative approach in making a difference. AFTERHOURS APPOINTMENTS AVAILBLE.

PO Box 6156 Clyde VIC 3978
03 8625 0587

About Us

About Nissi Healthcare
Nissi healthcare Telehealth is a specialist telehealth service for Depression, Anxiety, Bipolar, Psychosis, Schizophrenia and Cognitive Disorder/Memory issues. The service is provided to individuals in collaboration with their GP clinic. The service is flexible and allows for your GP to have access to specialist psychiatry advice in delivering care to you. Areas of interest covered are limited to adults to older persons, and the collaborative approach is the focus.
The Virtual clinic means you are still able to work around your normal schedule.
Clinic sessions are currently offered during hours, with after-hours session availability offering individuals more options.

Dr. Victor Ojo
MBBS FRANZCP Cert. Old Age Psych
Providing you with clinical opinion and care

Clinical Areas of Interests
Old Age Psychiatry
Mood Disorders
Anxiety Disorders
Cognitive/Memory issues
Bipolar Disorder
Sleep Disorders