... a collaborative approach in making a difference. AFTERHOURS APPOINTMENTS AVAILBLE.
PO Box 6156 Clyde VIC 3978
03 8625 0587
You will require a referral from your GP to access the service. The referral should state item 291, reason for referral, and include your email and telephone. Having your email helps to provide you with the online registration link and other useful information.
Sometimes your care needs are better managed face to face or in hospital. Your GP can assist you with a referral and discussion about the services offered.
The referral will go through a triaging process and you will be provided a feedback as to how to proceed. For an appointment to be made, we will require some information as part of online patient registration process.
Being a solo psychiatry practice, all attempts are made to attend to all referrals for a one-off assessment with a psychiatrist and a follow up review.. We appreciate your patience and understanding.